We are a faith community that values diversity and inclusion. We warmly welcome all people regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, mental or physical disability, age, race, ethnicity, or nation of origin. Everyone is welcome to participate in the life of the Meeting.
Our first hour discussions, our worship hour, our potlucks, and our fellowship time are open to everyone, including the merely curious, though we do hope you'll come back! Little Rock Friends (Quaker) Meeting is part of the Religious Society of Friends. We are affiliated with South Central Yearly Meeting and Friends General Conference. Our historic Meetinghouse is located at 3415 W. Markham Street, at the corner of Markham & Valmar streets, with the entrance to our parking lot on Valmar. Please see our Calendar and Facebook Page for the slate of upcoming events. Contact our recording clerk if you wish to receive our 2-page monthly newsletter. To receive all announcements weekly and as special concerns arise, join us on our Facebook page and on our Google Forum and Email list. Virtual Meetings Since 2020, the Meeting provides a "virtual" meeting option for all our members. We have been using Zoom Video Conferencing and joining folks from around the state, the region, and the country. To join our virtual meetings, email the Meeting at [email protected] (or call and leave a message at 501-664-7223) and we will send you an email containing the next meeting's connection information. The Way We Worship Our form of worship is based on expectant waiting in silence with no professional minister. In the silence of this unprogrammed worship, God can draw near to us and we to God. This silence is often experienced as liberating. There is no prepared sermon, but anyone is free to speak, provided she or he does so in response to a prompting of the Spirit. Such a message may draw us together and closer to God. Some people may have a profound sense of awe and wonder, because they know that God is present. Others may become aware of a powerful spirit of love and truth that transcends their ordinary experience. At the end of an hour, the clerk will shake hands with a neighbor; each worshiper will then shake the hand of their neighbor. This ends the meeting for worship. Children are welcome to attend worship, although we also have a separate children's program. Those who attend the children's program join worship during the last ten minutes and are then excused from announcements. Why such a different form of worship? Read more. One way to learn more about Quakers is to check out the hundreds of videos on QuakerSpeak. |
Every Sunday
10 a.m. – Discussion (except 2nd Sunday: Meeting for Business, starting at 9:30) 11am – Meeting for Worship (3rd Sunday: potluck after worship) Every Wednesday 7:30 p.m. – Meeting for Worship with SCYM by Zoom |